Sunday, March 10, 2013

blog #2

My favorite character in literature would have to be John Michael Osbourne from the book I Am Ozzy. John changed in the book because in the beginning his family was very poor and his parents were mostly occupied with trying to make as much money as they could to support the family. At the end of the book John is a famous singer who’s making millions of dollars and has no money problems. Another example of how John changed through out the book is that in the begging everybody said that he couldn’t sing but that didn’t stop him, he put up a banner at the nearest music shop and after awhile he found a band. John and his band didn’t start off to good, it took them awhile to get big but after awhile John and his band became famous. By the end off the book he is a lead singer despise all the thing people said about him before. The reason I picked John as my favorite character in literature is because I find his life most interesting then all the other characters I’ve read in other books. There’s so many things the John goes through in his life and that he has to come over. Also another reason I picked him was because I’ve always wanted to be a band when I grow up and that’s exactly what John is. 

1 comment:

  1. Dig a little deeper into your connection - you both wanted to be in a band, but what else?
    Be careful of grammar choices .......
